Nie tylko IT

Nie tylko IT

As you can see there’s no posts for last few weeks. Well a lot of things is going on. First, my SharePoint online intranet project is going live in next few days. So, there’s a lot of things to doSecond, I bought new domain Nietylko IT and I am moving there my...
C​ollab365 Summit

C​ollab365 Summit

Collab365 is back and guys are going to do this AGAIN! I just saw that new awesome event has been announced at SharePoint community site. And it looks very interesting. You can register here. Please find below some details: What’s the conference about? Over 100...
Summary 2015

Summary 2015

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, so it’s time to make short summary 2015. For me it was good year, and if polish government will not make a mess the next one could be even better, I have a lot of plans. But let’s start from the begging: For me number one...