So what is Microsoft Partner Network (aka MPN)? It’s simple – It’s a partnership with Microsoft 🙂 . But why should I think about joining MPN? As a partner, you can utilize tools, resources, software, and more to grow your business. In the previous post, I described how you could get free Microsoft 365 and Power Apps. MPN is a much more advanced program and joining MPN is free. And let me be clear here. I am a one-person business/freelancer, and probably I will never sell any application or get a higher level of competency. But as an MPN member, I get access to many resources. Let me give a simple example. Did you hear about Project Cortex? As a partner, you could get access early, including virtual presentations.

What is required to become a partner?

You have to run a business to join MPN.  Then you have to go to this site: Membership ( and fill in all necessary information. Once signed up, you will get an MPN ID. There is no cost to obtain a MPN ID as a Network member, and with options to upgrade to an Action Pack subscription or work toward a competency, you can access even more benefits. 

Microsoft Partner Network action pack

To be honest, Action Pack is a crucial tool for me. But first things first. What is the Action Pack? Action Pack is an affordable yearly subscription to software, support, and benefits for businesses that want to begin, build and grow their Microsoft practice in the cloud-first, mobile-first world.

Microsoft Partner Network action pack

Action pack is paid benefit. It costs 400 Eur, but it’s worth it. As an independent consultant, I work on various projects, which require different tools. Also, If you want to build your personal brand, you have to learn a lot, especially in the IT world. An action pack is a perfect tool that helps you accomplish those tasks. For example, you got following software:

  • Windows Pro and Server
  • Visual Studio Professional
  • Visio
  • MS Project
  • SharePoint Sever
  • And much more

Azure benefit for Microsoft Partner Network

In addition to software, you get cloud subscriptions. First, you get a $100 monthly credit. Based on my personal experience, it’s enough to build your solutions or learn how Azure works. Also, you get Microsoft 365 E3 licenses, including Enterprise Mobility Suite and Microsoft Intune. With those licenses, you can build your tenant.

Why are all those things important? I love being an independent consultant and digital nomad. But when you are far away from your home or office, you need all tools together with you. Freedom is fantastic, but software costs could be a real challenge when you run a business on your own. Also, access to knowledge costs a lot of money. Microsoft Partner Network membership solves most of those problems. When I travel, I combine virtual machines and software provided by the Microsoft Partner Network action pack to a set of tools that can solve almost all possible IT problems.

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