I’m working for my customer with SharePoint project. As there’ s nothing the part of the project is creating lists from scratch. As they weren’t too complicated I just save list template from my developer machine as stp file. Just a few seconds and the list was created on my client SharePoint farm. But when I display the list in some cases were issues. What’s happen? I’ve discovered that fields with issues where lookup fields. But why??? All list with lookup columns where already in place… Then I just learned that SharePoint use list GUID’s to link lists. So my field in list template is linked to column from my developer machine, by GUID, but my client SharePoint has a lists with different GUID’s and that’s the reason. So what to do?
1. Get your stp file and rename extension of the file from stp to cab.
2. Then you should be extract Manifast.xml file.
3. Replace the old value List Id in Lookup field with list GUID from the destination site
4. Save the file
5. Create cab file with Visual Studio with your xml file
6. When cab file is created rename it again into stp file
7. Upload to destination site and it works now
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