A few days ago I have a chance to play with SharePoint online solution called Hubfly and I was really impressed with his capabilities. And here is my review. So let’s start from the begging.
I wrote a few times on this blog that the main problem with SharePoint is that it looks like a SharePoint. And it’s problem for me as I don’t have graphic designer skills. Well, Hubfly changes everything here. As Hubfly is deployed to the customer’s SharePoint as a SaaS model, it offers the flexibility of integrating additional functionalities that customers may want using their in-house team. Unlike other Intranet-as-a-service providers who store data outside the customers’ environment, Hubfly allows storage of customer data on the customers’ SharePoint itself.
The advantage of Hubfly is that it works as drag & drop, which makes working with it very easy and available to almost everyone, also nontechnical people.
Let’s start with a few features which Hubfly provides to us.
Key features in Hubfly
Here is the example of home page.
Please note that this is only top of the page. There’s much more that, it’s just not possible to put everything here, but you can see it on the second print screen.
As you can see there’s a lot of options which are available to us. For example we have holidays feature which present on the home page who and when is on a vacation. We can inform also about latest event or post new open positions in our company. And all those option you can activate on the main page with drag & drop. Well, that’s easy.
At this moment we have following widgets here:
- Apps
- Quicklinks
- Social
- Documents
- Leaderboard
- Polls
- Holidays calendar
- Job posting
- People
You mange all those widgets and the content with user friendly CMS.
Ok, let’s move forward. Now it’s time for documents. As you know this main SharePoint option to store documents. As you can see below typical view of SharePoint library has been replaced with more user friendly view. And second image shows what you will see when you will hover mouse pointer over document tile.
To be honest I prefer more classic view. I don’t know maybe I am too old 🙂 ? Anyway I know that for most users such view could more interesting than the standard one. Also in very similar way works employee directory. I mean that you see employ list as a tiles and when you hover over it you can click on it to see details. As some of those information could be sensitive I will not put them here.
There’s some other features which could be useful like ideas or stories, but I would like to focus on two which are very powerful to me.
Hubfly Insight
What’s Hubfly Insight? In general it’s set of reports which could present to you different information about your company in user friendly way.
This feature utilize Microsoft Power Bi engine to provide you those reports. As you can see you could have several reports like HR Analysis or IT Analysis. As you can reports is very clean which make it very easy to understand to everyone.
Hubfly forms
The last point are Hubfly forms. And from my point of view this the best feature of this solution.
At moment you will get 5 forms, which you can configure by your own in very easy way. Those 5 forms cover most of typical company scenarios and for the most companies it will absolutely enough. Right now you will get:
- service request
- travel request
- travel reimbursement
- mileage reimbursement
- visitor pass
What’s very important here you get also workflow behind those forms! So you don’t need to develop anything by your own. Also as you see above this feature groups all possible option which could be somehow related to the forms and processed behind.
And that’s it. From my point of view this very good solution for the company without it department or developers. In this case company could get very easy and very fast solution which makes their company SharePoint looking very nice and with some cools option available to users.
Anyway you check all those things if they interesting to you. Check this link and request for a demo.