I spent a lot of time to find out how to check what’s language version of installed windows 2003. And it was quite difficult to find solution. Anyway you can get this information in system registry:
1. Run registry editor: ”regedit”
2. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNlsLanguage]
3. And key “InstallLanguage” describes what’s installation language
Please find below short list of codes:
0405 Czech
0406 Danish
0413 Dutch
0C09 English (Australia)
0809 English (Britain)
1009 English (Canada)
1809 English (Ireland)
1409 English (New Zealand)
1C09 English (South Africa)
0409 English (US)
040B Finnish
040C French
0407 German
0408 Greece
040E Hungarian
0410 Italian
0814 Norwegian
0415 Polish
0816 Portuguese(Portugal)
0416 Portuguese(Brazil)
0419 Russian
080A Spanish(Mexico)
0C0A Spanish(Modern Sort)
040A Spanish(Traditional Sort)
041D Swedish
041F Turkey
0411 Japanese
0412 Korean
0804 Chinese (PRC)
0404 Chinese (Taiwan)
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