Today I would like to show you that Damaged wan port is not end of your router life. Few weeks ago, I was travelling when in Poland was a lot of storms. When I come back I have discovered that there’s no internet connection in my house. It was strange as just few days before I was connecting without any problem. Ok, let’s check. In my NetGear R7000 console I discovered the message that there WAN cable is unplugged. But it was there… After few minutes later I discovered damaged wan port. I went to the store and bought new router- I can’t live without Internet connection. But I was still thinking about my NetGear R7000… It’s not cheap device but has powerful capabilities.
Also I needed router which will give me possibility to remotely access my home network. So I have started my small research…
Damaged wan port – what we can do
I have found that it happens very often. I mean that you have damaged wan port, especially it could happen if you use radio internet connection. Probably it’s linked to wired powers, flows, etc. Unfortunately, there’s no protection against such accidents. And that was my case – WAN port was not working, but all LAN ports and internal components were fine.
Fixing cost of the device was crazy, the price was the same as new router, so when you start thinking about it you will find out that there’s one option here only. You must force your router to use one LAN port as WAN. Well, when you look you will discover that NetGear R7000 is powerful, but without such options in the Genie menu. But there’s still hope. There’s nice feature that NetGear allows us to upload custom firmware to your device. Ok, let’s look.
I have a read a little here and I have found out that my problem solution could be open firmware for Asus called Asuswrt-Merlin. It’s Tomato modification for Asus routers. And what important is there’s also version prepared for NetGear R7000 and some other models too. I was saved!!!
Damaged wan port – how I have saved my NetGear R7000
Upload of new firmware is very simple. First of all reset your R7000 to factory default settings. Now it’s time to grab new software from here . Now connect to your router via LAN port, open router console and upload new firmware. In the first step we should upload file R7000_xxx.xx_x.chk . Then we should make reset and reboot of the device. Now it’s time for next file called R7000_xxx.xx_x.trx . And that’s it! If everything was ok you should see screen like this one below.
Now just one step left for us. You should go to advanced settings -> WAN – > Dual WAN. Turn on this feature and restart again your R7000. After that you will get new option here. You can set one of your LAN ports as main WAN port. As Dual WAN option you should select “backup switch”. You don’t need to configure routing between ports or something like this. Your device will take care about this. And that’s all.